Saturday, August 1, 2009

How can I get white hair?

I want my hair to be white forever!

How can I get white hair?

Become the parent of teenagers. It worked for me.

How can I get white hair?

Lots of peroxide

How can I get white hair?

Grow old. Very old. Either that or dye it.

How can I get white hair?

wait until u get old!! lolzzzzz

How can I get white hair?

u can wait till u get older and state growing it natral or u can die ur hair every day.

How can I get white hair?

Bleach it

How can I get white hair?

buy a bleaching kit dont use real bleach tho

How can I get white hair?

dye it

How can I get white hair?

Take a bleach (if you have a dark color hair), after than color your hair white.

How can I get white hair?

colour it.

How can I get white hair?

bleach it with hydrogen peroxide which takes all colour pigment from your hair leaving it slightly yellowish but then enables the white/silver dye you use next to take easier and for a longer your hair grows this has to be repeated to treat the roots

How can I get white hair?

lots and lots of peroxide but y would you want old looking white hair anyway

How can I get white hair?

Worry a lot!

How can I get white hair?

Get it bleached and then find a white rinse to apply. ONly use permenant colors after 2 weeks of bleaching.

How can I get white hair?

think very much and worry so much.

How can I get white hair?

Get married. have kids. lol. Wait that'll turn it grey

How can I get white hair?

wear a wig

How can I get white hair?

Either get too stressed out or dye it

How can I get white hair?

1. get very stressed. this has been known to turn peoples hair white. (ever see the parents of quintuplete teenagers?)

2. get very scared. this has also been known to turn peoples hair white. (what stephen kings IT)

3. grow very old, very fast. once you get old enough, your hair stops adding pigment to your hair.(check out your great grandparents)

4. dye/bleach your hair very often. fastest way to get white hair.

5. become an albino.

6. spray paint your hair white. sure way that its that extra white color.

7. become a genius and create a machine that makes your hair white. as an added bonus, you will become a millionaire.

8. shave your head and wear a white haired wig. or better yet, wear a wig on top of your hair. why mess with your hair when you can wear someone elses? you can start up the fashion that went out of style with the french revolution.

9. become a platinum blond. so blond it looks white!

10. become an evil mastermind and create a machine that makes everyone THINK you have white hair!

How can I get white hair?

You should like dye it... But you should always not forget to keep it moisturized. I just dyed my hair this like kinda deep orange color at the top and I'm always looking for things that will keep my hair moisturized

How can I get white hair?

You have to drink a lot of black coffee...

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