She says shes going to buy some suspenders and stuff, and she wants me to choose the colour but i havent got a clue,
Black, Red or White?
She has very blonde hair.
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
black... since you say that she has light blonde hair, black will balance the whole look. plus it will go with her blonde hair. red is just too bright.
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
black/hot pink
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
Black 'n' Red definitely
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
You really have to include her skin complexion as well, but for a blonde with fair skin probably a bit darker colors, but a blonde with tan skin, go lighter!!! and avoid kiddish prints!!! Good Luck to you!!!
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
none that way she will be able to hold a conversation with some one
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
why would u ask? who cares???
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
What she had on last night was fine.
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
the hair color of a girl doesnt matter what color underwear shes wearing
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
I think red. But, you could have some fun with it. We've been showing dark aqua and peach where I work. Aqua would be smokin' hot!
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
I think pastel colours suit blondes.
Baby blue, peach, pink, lilac or maybe yellow
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
I think red.
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
is she a pensioner ? i think she must be if she has white
hair dont try to make ole ladies wear sussies its not really
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
Why do men only think in black, red or white?
Fuschia (that's deep pink) or if she's tanned peach would look gorgeous.
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
If she is fair skinned stay away from the darker colours as she will look anaemic. Her hair colour doesn't factor in to it, people don't go out and buy new underwear on the way back from the hairdressers!
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
Wow she founds fake,
Erm, Black and Red. (not white it always goes grey in the wash)
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
Red... I think that would look the best with nearly white hair...
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
I dont think you've got a clue either mate!
Can u imagine the scenario... You have a really pleasant evening, a meal bottle of wine....
Youve bought chocolates and champagne
You get home, you give her the package
She now hates the set cos it makes her look sallow untanned ill washed up washed out......
She also dislikes the style......
And then you pipe up and say "Well 87% of insomniacs off yahoo answers said you'd prefer THAT colour......"
Be original mate
CHOOSE IT YASELF... You're the one thats got to look at it
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
That's a real dilemma! I guess those colours are the only colours in the local Victoria's Secret/Ann summers/La Senza. I wouldn't choose any of those colours for such fair hair! Red will overpower her, black will make her look sickly, and white is never a good choice for something sexy.
However, I would advise if she gets something dark, dark grey/charcoal is best with pinstripes. Or black AND red, or white AND black. Don't have just one colour as it will look blocky.
I would have chosen lilac, pale pink, or a pattern for her myself, but if she wants one of those colours, see if they have anything that mixes them, or isn't too plain. If it's all one colour, make sure it's nice and lacy or detailed to break up the blocky masses.
Good luck! In love and light, Tasha x
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
Yer right pull the other one these are for you arent they????
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
Red was my first thought.
Watch out Pamela Anderson...
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
white underwear is very is tacky %26amp; black is really tarty - go for white!
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
Red, but white is more practical but i geuss you are not going for that.
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
red definetly good luck!
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
black mate...
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
i would go with black or pink dnt get white if shes pale i did that once big mistake
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
A chocolate brown one or a hot pink x
Look very smexi i finks x
My girlfriend has blonde/nearly white hair, which colour underwear would suit her best?
black always looks sexy teamed with sexy heels
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