Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

Its on the back of his front riight leg halfway up. He is 4 years old, indoor cat I noticed him limping the last week or so. We looked closer and he has long black hair so its hard to see the growth. Its very easy to see the white hair growing out the growth, its thick like whiskers. He got quite upset when we felt around the growth, but he let us move the leg freely. Anyone know what this might be?

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

It could be an abcess that is not draining. These things always look like "bumps" under the cat's skin. They are painful when touched. Your kitty may have a wound in that area and it has festered. Best have it seen by the vet so he can check. If it IS an abcess, it has to be drained - a simple procedure really and will not cost you much really. The vet will "pop" the abcess, squeeze the pus out of it, clean up the wound and prescibe antibiotics for the kitty.

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

don't screw around here get your a** to the vet and bring your cat too

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

Oh my, you should get him to a Vet. It sounds like it could be a tumor of some kind and you don't want to take a chance on it being cancer.

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

I would say take your poor kitty to the vet. Especially if he seems to be in pain :(

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

i heard that if youre cats has a hard and long nails that you gotta crip them off with cats nails cutters whenever theyre growning out least inches ? is that true but i think you shouldnt worrying so much about youre cat nails maybe he born with another ungrown nail or you can take him to the petshop and ask him or her to check it out see if they can do something about it . i dont think be any thing worst then that .maybe isnt nothing most cats and dogs does have black hairs growning out between their toes and nails . but if youre so afraid its something else then go ahead take him to the doctor .

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

i think this happens to indoor kats because they aren't outdoors climbing up trees and walking on rough terrain to wear the fur down.

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

The vet. Now. It sounds like a tumor. If it's not a tumor, then it's infected beyond your ability and will need to be lanced and cleansed and so on. You MUST go to the vet, now!!!

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

Take the cat to the vet!

Cats paw has growth with white thick hair growing out of it?

praise the lord %26amp; we are not doctors. Take him to the vet

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