is it true that in english you say gray hair instead of white hair?
in chinese, we say white hair.
White hair? gray hair?
depends on's so relative. gray tends to be the more common use term for general "getting old" but if somebodys hair is white i say they have white hair. the same applies for blue hair and silver.
White hair? gray hair?
Yeah, we are "supposed" too say gray, out of respect.
White hair? gray hair?
In Europe, hair has a tendency to turn a grayish color as compared to the Asians whose hair becomes white
White hair? gray hair?
In case of hair we usually use the word gray to mention white color hair
White hair? gray hair?
yeah i think most people here say gray hair...
White hair? gray hair?
No, grey hair and white hair are different. Instead of white hair we generally say "silver hair" and instead of grey you will sometimes hear "salt-and-pepper."
White hair? gray hair?
Gray hair!!! White hair is played out they used to put that in old story books!!!
White hair? gray hair?
It depends on the person I guess!! lol
White hair? gray hair?
cultural differences and laguage being considered ... your correct. Most European based societies refer to it as "Gray hair". Asian societies are more precise it stating the color as white!
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