Sunday, July 26, 2009


I dont know why, im just a teen. Im not even in my 20's yet but this has been bothering me for quite some time. For some reason on my eyebrow and random body parts Im growing white silverish hair. Its not like alot. The most Ive found on myself at one time was like 3 and I usually just pluck or pull them, but it grows freakishly fast and long. in 2-3 weeks a long white strand about 1.5-2 inches grows on my eyebrows. My familys asian and think its good luck so I try to keep it but still freaky to me. And it bothers me knowing I cant find anyone else online that isnt a senior that has this problem. SERIOUSLY...IM NOT EVEN 20 YET x|

Anyone know why this is happening? I dont expect alot of answers for this X_x


I think white hair at an early age comes from stress. I only say that because my friend always had naturally really dark brown hair, but her parents got divorced when she was about 12. In the middle of the divorce a piece of hair right by her bangs started growing in white at the roots. She let it grow out with the rest of her hair..and ever since then she just has this white piece in the middle of the rest of her dark hair. I wouldn't know the medical reason or anything...but maybe you're too stressed!

Hope that helped! :)



This is very serious you should check up with your doctor Why this early aging started . This may be Harmon disorder.


It could be genetic. Look at your dad's or your mom's. In my family, three out of five have grey hairs before we reached ten years old.


I work with Asian teens and many have a few white hairs - it's not unusual - some tint them, others leave them - I think they look quite cute.


i also have white hair..if it's really bothering you and you start getting bad opinions and comments on it, no sweat, just get rid of it. most of my white hairs are on my head and some are even the size of my longest streaks of hair! i pluck some of them sometimes tho :P it might be genetic, altho mine aren't. no one in my family had white hair at my age, and i'm 13!


I would leave is a sign of future good fortune the more hairs the more money you will have..;0)


my brother went to school with one guy and he had a full head of grey hair when he was 13/14, receeding hair when he was 17 and bald when he was 25.

Some are just genetically prone to having grey hairs at a young age and there is not much you can do about it if its genetics except blame it on whoever you got it off :)

If it is hormonal you could speak to your doctor about it and see if there is anything he can do to help you.


regardless of the fact that your family is asian... at this age, I would say it's hereditary. Someone else in the family began premature grey hair growth. grand parents maybe. Other than that,.... stress is known to promote grey hair growth, but more likely it's in the genes!


If it is highly alarming, I would see a doctor. I got white hair when I was 15 for a short period of time when I was extremely stressed about moving across the country during my freshman year. Other factors besides stress can be vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

However, I've met four people that during their teenage years had grayish-white hair sprinkled across their body and one that was balding. There could be a genetic cause that you may want to consider, but it sounds like this is rare in your family.

Good luck.


you could ask your parents when they first had white hair. im asian but gold hair on my face, legs and head are visible. im not an albino cause my hair's brown and my eyes are like, black. i think its because of my family's spanish history but its kinda weird cause when i was like 10, i dont remember having gold hair and my brown/black hair never fell off . and now, if one will look closely, some of my black hairs started to have like gold bottoms, i dont mean roots its like half of the hair is gold

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