Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What makes white hair turn yellow? is it age or diet?

I am an elderly gentleman with white hair that has a yellowish tint.I am trying to find out what causes it and what I can do about it besides dying my hair.

What makes white hair turn yellow? is it age or diet?

Do you smoke or around smokers a lot??? That will turn your white hair yellow!

What makes white hair turn yellow? is it age or diet?

It could be a number of things including the mineral deposits, chlorine in your shower water. I do know they sell a shampoo for silver hair to get rid of any buildup deposits. You can proably find it at sally beauty supply, cvs, walmart etc.

What makes white hair turn yellow? is it age or diet?

Cigarette smoke is a common factor.

If you live where there is industrial factories or even in the country on rock roads will turn it yellow.

- Buy SoSilver shampoo by Matrix. This will take the yellow out and give your white hair shine.

If you are not around smoke-

Then age and also diet could be a factor. THe shampoo will help regardless the situation.

What makes white hair turn yellow? is it age or diet?


not only cigarette smoke , but smog and car exhaust and the like will also do it. (dirty air)

use a bluing shampoo like shimmer lights.

dirty pipes and rusty pipes can also make it yellow or yellow orange

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