Friday, July 24, 2009

Black person with white hair styles?

A few weeks ago I seen a black guy with a mohawk! I thought that was so cool , he was pretty brave for doing it. I'm black and I'm wondering If I could pull of hair styles that some white, asian, latino guys wear. I know I would have to go through the whole ordeal of straightening my hair but I really want to do something new, regardless of how risky it may be.

Black person with white hair styles?

hey Mr. T has been wearing the Mohawk for years and to the tell the its all started from the Indian culture so basically its about your comfort zone and if you want to be different and stand out from the crowd

so good luck!

Black person with white hair styles?

how ugly... what the eyebrows colour?

Black person with white hair styles?

Go for it! If it fits your personality, it should look awesome.

Black person with white hair styles?

I didnt know there were white/asian/latino hair styles. I believe you can have any hair style you want, you go for it man!

Black person with white hair styles?

sure you could! be prepared to spend time each day working with it and you will need the right products

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